Note - This post assumes that you have an active Duo account, along with a domain controller running at least Windows Server 2012 R2 or later. There is a great Duo tutorial that covers this configuration, but I thought I would include the specific steps I followed in this post.
From the Duo interface:
- Navigate to Users to add a user name that matches a user in Active Directory
- Select Add Phone to add your mobile phone as a 2FA device
- You should then be able to send an activation link to the device
- Navigate to Applications -> Protect an Application -> search for Palo Alto SSL VPN -> Protect
- Download the latest Duo Authentication Proxy here and install it as a user with administrative rights
- Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Duo Security Authentication Proxy\conf and edit the authproxy file using Wordpad (Notepad is discouraged)
- Delete all the contents of the file, and replace it with the following data:
host=(enter the IP address of the server)
service_account_username=(enter the service account username)
service_account_password=(enter the service account password)
[radius_server_auto]From the firewall interface:
ikey=(enter the Integration Key found in the Palo Alto SSL VPN application in Duo)
skey=(enter the Secret Key found in the Palo Alto SSL VPN application in Duo)
api_host=(enter the API Hostname found in the Palo Alto SSL VPN application in Duo)
radius_ip_1=(enter the IP address of the trust interface of the firewall)
radius_secret_1=(enter a shared secret of your choice)
- Navigate to Device -> Server Profiles -> RADIUS -> Add
- Enter a Profile Name
- Set the Timeout (sec) to 60
- Set the Authentication Protocol to PAP
- Add a Server
- Enter a Name
- Enter a RADIUS Server
- This should be IP address of the AD server
- Enter the same Secret that was created in the authproxy file for radius_ip_1
- Click OK
- Navigate to Device -> Authentication Profile -> Add
- Enter a Name
- Set the Type to RADIUS
- Set the Server Profile to the RADIUS profile that was previously created
- Set the User Domain to your domain
- Navigate to the Advanced tab and select the user group (where applicable)
- Click OK
You can now test this by adding the Authentication Profile to an administrator or to a GlobalProtect configuration, like in this post.
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