Saturday, November 22, 2014

Panorama, Templates, and Python Scripting

It has been quite some time since my last post. I have been super busy on different customer engagements as of late and its cutting into my posts!

I am a fan of the saying, "Centralize what you can, and only distribute what you must." The Panorama appliance from Palo Alto Networks does a great job of accomplishing this when deployed in environments with many geographically distributed locations. I recently utilized this appliance to deploy over 250 firewalls in about 2 weeks for a customer and found that it made my job a lot easier from a configuration perspective, but also made the security administrator's job much easier moving forward.

If you know anything about Panorama, you will know that Device Groups cover Policy and Objects information, while Templates cover Network and Device information (overview). For this particular deployment, there was one Device Group for the majority of the locations due to policies being standardized by the organization. Templates were a different story because IP addressing and other device-specific information will obviously vary from site to site. Palo Alto has a KB article that shows how to clone entire templates, which is what I utilized when originally deploying the firewalls. However, there isn't a very clear way to make changes to specific settings within all templates once the firewalls are deployed... For example, lets say I need to add the same syslog server profile to every firewall. Do I really have to enter the information into each template???

Maybe there is a better way to do this that I don't know about (UPDATE: there are now Template Stacks FYI), but I was able to utilize a Python, Jinja2, and csv file containing template names for each location. I wanted to share what I did because I believe it will help many other admins out there that run into issues with deployment. Please note that I am no way an expert at Python. I've merely utilized the automation tools that I've learned from previous endeavors and colleagues to apply them to this specific use case.

Step 1:

Using your favorite Linux flavor, install Python and Jinja2. Create a directory somewhere on the machine for the files you will be creating.

Step 2:

Create a csv file called "device_data.csv" with a column heading (i.e. location). The corresponding values should be equal to the template names in Panorama.
New York
Hong Kong
Step 3:

Create a jinja2 file called "panorama_conf_template.j2" with the configuration parameters and include your variable (i.e. location).
set template {{ location }} config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER
Step 4:

Create your python script called "" so that upon execution it will use the information from your jinja and csv files to create your config.


# Import the necessary modules
import csv
import sys
import glob
import os
from jinja2 import Template

# Begin: User defined variables
# Path to configs
# File name of your csv file

# End: User defined variables

# Read device_data.csv from the current directory
# csv.DictReader reads the first row as a header row and stores the column headings as keys
device_data = csv.DictReader(open(csv_filename))

# Loops through the device_data csv so we can perform actions for each row
for row in device_data:
    # Stores the contents of each "cell" as the value for the column header
    # key : value pair

    # The below example will print the value of the location column for the current row.
    # print row["location"]
    data = row
    # creates a filename variable for the template configuration based on the store in the CSV
    conffilename =  conf_path + row["location"] + ".txt";

    # Open the store config Jinja2 template file.
    with open("panorama_conf_template.j2") as t_fh:
        t_format =

    # Set it up as a template
    template = Template(t_format)

    # Create the .txt file
    fout = open(conffilename, 'w')
    print fout

    # Write the conf file with the template and data from the current row
    # Performs a "search and replace"

    # Print to SDOUT   
    #print (template2.render(data))

# finds all files ending in .txt and combines them into a single config file
read_files = glob.glob("*.txt")

with open("config_script.conf", "wb") as outfile:
    for f in read_files:
        with open(f, "rb") as infile:

# deletes all .txt files as they are not needed once they are combined into the config file
filelist = glob.glob("*.txt")
for f in filelist:

print "Good bye!"

Executing the script will result in the creation of the "config_script.conf" file which contains the following configuration data that can be entered (copy/paste) via SSH in Panorama:

set template California config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER
set template Texas config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER
set template New York config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER
set template Florida config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER
set template Germany config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER
set template Hong Kong config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER
set template Beijing config shared log-settings syslog syslog-profile server syslog-1 transport UDP port 514 format BSD server facility LOG_USER

Hopefully this is helpful to other engineers that want to save some time. This could be applied to really any configuration data that you are trying to automate.